Saturday, February 28, 2009


“It’s like some folks has the smooth, pretty boards to build a courthouse with and others don’t have no more than rough lumber fitten to build a chicken coop.  But it’s better to build a tight chicken coop than a shoddy courthouse, and when they both build shoddy or build well, neither because it’s one or tother is going to make a man feel the better nor the worse”( Faulkner234).

In this quote, Faulkner uses a simile appropriate for the narrator, Cash.  Because Cash is a carpenter using a comparison dealing with construction serves as characterization and highlights his obsession with carpentry.

In addition, this quote is basically preaching that a man should take what he has and make the best of it. Cash is explaining that Darl, born with “rough lumber,” should have built “a tight chicken coop” if he wanted to be happy.  Because of this, the reader understands that conversely, Darl is unhappy and quite messed up because he spent his life resenting the fact that he hadn’t been born with “smooth, pretty boards” and an opportunity to build a courthouse instead.


The picture below exemplifies Darl’s problem.  He felt burdened by the task Addie asked of the family and maybe irritated by her incompetence as a mother, so he attempted to dispose of her simply and quickly by burning her in a fire. Though he might have been annoyed, this certainly was not the right decision, as it destroyed a man’s house and put animals and Jewel at risk.  Life gave Darl lemons, and instead of making lemonade, he set a house on fire wanting to cremate his undying dead mom. 

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