“She lived, a lonely woman, lonely with her pride, trying to make folks believe different, hiding the fact that they just suffered her, because she was not cold in the coffin before they were carting her forty miles away to bury her, flouting the will of God to do it.” pg 22
The author uses repetition of the word lonely. From this repetition we can infer that although her life was filled with many people seeing as how many sons she had, she wasn’t the happiest person. She ended up living a very lonely life. We can also tell from the soft diction when talking about Addie, that Cora really truly cares about Addie. Also from the harsh diction when she is talking about the men making the coffin, one can infer that she does agree with this, and she is disgusted by what they are doing. Another thing that I noticed was the referring to God, when she didn’t agree with it. Cora doesn’t agree with what they are doing, because it isn’t what God wishes. They are going against God.
I thought that Cora reminded me of a sunflower. She is the one who is always doing the right thing and she seems like she tries to bring happiness to them. When I think of a sunflower, I think of happiness and the sun. These represent life and happiness to me so that is why I chose a sunflower.
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