Thursday, January 15, 2009


“They all looked like Jewel might have give him his old ones. Not Jewel, though. He’s long-armed, even if he is spindling. Except for the lack of sweat. You could tell they aint been nobody else’s but Anse’s that way without no mistake.” Pg 32

The diction and syntax used in this quote shows Tull’s background and displays his level of education. His grammar is poor (“you can tell they aint been no one else’s”), and he speaks in incomplete sentences (i.e. “Except for the lack of sweat”). Using this broken language such as “might have give him” shows that Tull probably is uneducated and has probably spent his whole life on the farm. This quote also shows that Tull is a very observant person and clearly is very knowledgeable about the ways of everyone around him, determining who an old shirt belongs to based on the length of the arms and lack of sweat stains. He is a quiet observer.

Mr. Feeny is somewhat similar to Tull because they are helpful, observant, and slightly critical neighbors. On boy meets world, Mr. Feeny serves as a mentor who offers advice to the Matthews when they need it, but often criticizes their ridiculous and troublesome behavior. Regardless, he goes out of his way for them, although they do not fully show their appreciation. Tull is a slightly wealthier neighbor who hires the Bundrens to do work for them and is helpful in a few ways. He tries to assure Anse that Darl will be alright on his trip home and dodge the rain. Although he helps the family, he still has some lingering pessimism about their ways, but genuinely seems to care about them.

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