Thursday, January 15, 2009

Darl Pages 39-40

Darl Pages 39-40

"Jewel', I say, 'Do you know that Addie Bundren is going to die? Addie Bundren is going to die.'"

This excerpt uses repetition in order to covey and emphasize Darls sense of confusion, numbness and disbelief. By repeating the statement, he is almost admitting the truth out loud to himself for the first time and is therefore taking the unspoken, worst fear of his entire family and accepting its inevitability.

I would connect this line with the opening stanza's of the song 'Lighthouse' by the Hush sound because both seem to need guidance and a safe place to avoid the troubles of the world. Darl is clearly trying to avoid the near future while simultaneously accepting its arrival, leaving him conflicted, just as the tone of 'Lighthouse' is both comforting and foreboding. Both use a soft tone to convey meanings that hold a great weight in them.

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside

There is a storm in the distance
The wind breathing warning of its imminence
There is a lighthouse five hundred yards down
You and I will be safe there

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